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How to Crochet Single Crochet Stitches

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Single crochet stitches are basic stitches (frequently used stitches that often form the basis for more complicated stitches) that are used in many crochet projects, but are especially used when crocheting amigurumi (crocheted dolls and figures).

In this lesson you will learn how to crochet single crochet stitches when crocheting in rows. You crochet single crochet stitches always the same, no matter if you crochet in spiral rounds, in joined rounds or in rows.

Furthermore you will learn how to crochet single crochet stitches in a chain and how to turn your work when crocheting single crochet stitches in rows.

In this lesson the “Schachenmayr Catania” yarn was used with a 2.5 mm crochet hook.

Single Crochet Stitches

Needed Techniques

Needed Materials and Tools

To order the materials click on the respective link (affiliate link).

Gründl AD1407016-2.50 Crochet Hooks Swing, 16cm 2.50mm, Yellow
Gründl AD1407016-2.50 Crochet Hooks Swing, 16cm 2.50mm, Yellow
Size: 2.50mm; ERGONOMIC DESIGN: Relieves wrist and shoulder tension for hours of effortless crafting
$19.85 −$0.95 $18.90

How to Crochet a Single Crochet Stitch

In the following is explained in detail how to crochet a single crochet stitch on an already existing crochet piece. Further below you will also learn how to crochet a single crochet stitch into a chain and how the work is turned over when you crochet with single crochet stitches in rows.

Use the check boxes to mark your finished rounds, rows and steps.

  • Step 1: You have your crochet piece in front of you and 1 loop on the crochet hook. First you push the crochet hook through the next stitch on the row.

  • Step 2: Then yarn over. To do this, move the crochet hook under the thread and turn the hook counter-clockwise to hold the thread with the hook.

  • Step 3: Now pull the thread through the stitch you have just pushed through. You now have 2 loops on the crochet hook.

  • Step 4: Yarn over again. Then pull the picked up thread through BOTH loops which are on the crochet hook. Afterwards you have only 1 loop on the crochet hook and crocheted your first single crochet stitch. Repeat step 1 to 4 to crochet more single crochet stitches.

How to Crochet a Single Crochet Stitch into a Chain

Crocheting single crochet stitches into a chain is not very easy at the beginning. But this is not because the single crochet stitch is difficult to crochet but because you probably can’t see exactly WHERE to crochet the stitches or where to push the crochet hook through.

So don’t worry if you see only a tangled mess, everybody does this at the beginning and with some practice you will quickly see what is a stitch and what is not and where exactly you have to push through.

  • Step 1: First make a slip knot on your crochet hook and crochet a chain as long as you like.

  • Step 2: After you have crocheted the chain, push the crochet hook through the 2nd stitch from the crochet hook. Before you do so, hold the loop on the crochet hook in place with your thumb or forefinger of your right hand that is also holding the crochet hook.
  • ATTENTION: Whenever you crochet single crochet stitches in a chain, ALWAYS crochet the first single crochet stitch into the second stitch from the crochet hook, unless the instructions you use say otherwise. Push the crochet hook through the stitch so that both loops of the stitch you pushed through are resting over the crochet hook.

  • These skipped stitches allow the single crochet stitch to appear in its correct size. If you skip too few stitches then the single crochet stitch will be compressed and if you skip too many stitches the skipped stitches can create an open loop.
  • Step 3: Yarn over. To do this, pass the crochet hook under the thread and grab the thread with the hook by turning the crochet hook counterclockwise.

  • Step 4: Pull the picked up thread through the previously pushed through stitch. You now have 2 loops on the crochet hook.

  • Step 5: Yarn over again and pull the picked up thread through BOTH loops on the crochet hook. Meanwhile, with the thumb and middle finger of the left hand (or other fingers, depending on how you hold the yarn) hold your crochet piece close to where you crochet the single crochet stitch, to create enough tension to be able to pull the thread through the loops. You have crocheted your first single crochet stitch into a chain.

  • Step 6: Now repeat those steps with the next stitch on the chain. In contrast to the first crocheted single crochet stitch, do not skip any more stitches on the chain, but crochet the next single crochet stitch into the next stitch on the chain and continue to do so until you reach the end of the chain.

How to Turn your Work

If you crochet something “in rows” you sooner or later come to the end of the row and you have to turn your work to be able to continue. Depending on the stitch used, the turning can vary from stitch to stitch.

To be able to crochet a new row on top of the row you crocheted before, you have to turn your work first so that you can crochet from right to left again. To do this correctly you must first crochet 1 chain stitch. When crocheting single crochet stitches you ALWAYS only need 1 chain stitch to turn over, unless your used pattern says otherwise.

Chains that are used for turning crochet pieces are also called turning chains.

  • Step 1: First crochet 1 chain stitch. To do this yarn over and pull it through the current loop on the crochet hook. Done is 1 chain stitch.

  • Step 2: Now turn the work counter-clockwise so that your crochet hook is again at the far right end of the row and you can crochet from right to left again. Normally you always crochet from right to left.

  • Step 3: Now you crochet the 1st single crochet stitch of the new row. Crochet the first single crochet stitch of the next row not in the just crocheted chain stitch but in the last crocheted stitch of the previous row. As with crocheting into a chain, you crochet again in the 2nd stitch from the crochet hook (the chain stitch is counted as 1 stitch and then comes the 2nd stitch on the crochet piece in which you crochet).
  • Skipping the stitches is usually done ONLY after turning or when crocheting the first stitch into a chain, otherwise you usually crochet into the next stitch.

  • Step 4: Yarn over with the crochet hook and pull the thread through the stitch you just pushed through. You have 2 loops on the crochet hook.

  • Step 5: Yarn over again and pull the thread through both loops that are on the crochet hook. You have crocheted your 1st single crochet stitch in the new row.

The next single crochet stitches are always crocheted into the next stitch, no stitches are skipped. If you have reached the end of the row and you want to crochet another row, crochet again 1 chain stitch, turn your work and crochet another row on the previous row.

Crochet the first single crochet stitch of the new row again into the 2nd stitch from the crochet hook and then continue crocheting all the next single crochet stitches into the next stitches without skipping any stitches.

How to Crochet Single Crochet Stitches into a Spiral Round or a Joined Round

Single crochet stitches are always crocheted in the same way, no matter whether you crochet in rows, spiral rounds or joined rounds. You might start and finish the new round or row differently depending if you crochet in rows, spiral rounds or joined rounds, but the actual crocheting of the single crochet stitch remains the same.

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